Taking a Look at Headstock DesignsWhen I was 15, I attended my first rock festival in Taiwan. The loud vocals and distorted guitar solos blew my mind. Its raw, intense sound…Mar 29, 2023Mar 29, 2023
Reducing the Empathy Gap with ChatGPTDuring my product design career, I‘ve often leverage various methods to understand what people want, from analyzing quantitative data to…Mar 17, 2023Mar 17, 2023
Illustrating Emotional ConnectionsIn this article, I want to share my experience of creating illustrations for AirBrush, the popular photo editing app used by over 1.6M…Mar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023
Python-Generated Color Themes for Design SystemDesign systems are an integral part of creating effective and cohesive user interfaces. In this post, I’ll dive into the process of…Mar 2, 2023Mar 2, 2023
金曲獎國際論壇 — 虛實共構的音樂體驗很榮幸今年能夠被邀請參加 2018 金曲獎國際論壇,擔任 6/21 主題: 虛實共構的音樂體驗 講者之一。身為第一線的 AR 音樂內容開發者,我很高興能將這一年多在音樂實境界打滾的經驗分享給喜歡音樂的各位。關於分享內容,我更新了這兩個月的產品開發進度,故與原演講內容略有差異。Sep 4, 2018Sep 4, 2018
Microsoft HoloLens Developer Contest. Ep.3This last episode will cover the main experience of Music Everywhere:Feb 16, 2018Feb 16, 2018
Microsoft HoloLens Developer Contest. Ep.2This episode will cover Phase 2 of the contest, and mainly focus on the Settings design of the HoloLens with a digital piano.Feb 14, 2018Feb 14, 2018
Microsoft HoloLens Developer Contest. Ep1Winning this contest is a good start for Music Everywhere. I want to share how we prepared for the competition, and review problems we…Feb 13, 2018Feb 13, 2018
微軟 HoloLens 比賽(下)最後一篇終於要談 Music Everywhere 的本體:互動鋼琴課程。有人會問:「Music Everywhere…Feb 13, 2018Feb 13, 2018
微軟 HoloLens 比賽(中)本篇將描述比賽的第二階段的 HoloLens 與電子琴設定設計部分。第二階段為期四個月的開發,之後將軟體上架於微軟 HoloLens 商店經由評審測試、宣布最終結果。得知進前十名決賽名單後,團隊興奮之餘,也開始憂心忡忡⋯⋯Feb 11, 2018Feb 11, 2018